Nicotine Vape

Nicotine Vape



Nicotine vaping products (NVPs) are available with a nicotine prescription at most major pharmacies, and deliver nicotine without the thousands of harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke.
Nicotine vaping products are used in a similar fashion to traditional smoking – a familiar hand-to-mouth motion, followed by an inhalation. They may assist in curbing your nicotine cravings during common triggers, such as your morning coffee, work break, or drinks with friends.

The latest research found “high-certainty evidence that electronic cigarettes with nicotine increase quit rates compared to Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)”. NRT are available over-the-counter and can include nicotine patches, gum, spray or lozenges.

Consumers require a prescription for all purchases and possession of nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine. This includes purchases from Australian pharmacies and from overseas.

Consumer information for nicotine vape from the TGA can be accessed from the link below.

Australia has the highest cigarette prices in the world, calculate how much you spend on smoking by clicking on the link below.

A useful New Zealand link for nicotine vaping facts.

Nicotine vaping products have not been approved as smoking cessation aids in Australia. These products are considered to be ‘unapproved’ therapeutic goods and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has not evaluated them for quality, safety and effectiveness. Nicotine vaping products are not first-line treatments for smoking cessation. However, for people who have tried to achieve smoking cessation with approved pharmacotherapies but failed, and who are still motivated to quit smoking and have discussed nicotine vaping product usage with their healthcare practitioner, nicotine vaping products may be a reasonable intervention to recommend.

The flow chart on the right illustrates the steps involved in legal access to nicotine e-cigarettes in Australia.

Counselling and behavioural support from a specialist-trained medical professional can substantially increase your chances of successful abstinence from smoking. The most successful approach to quitting is by using one of the above therapies to reduce your nicotine cravings PLUS counselling and behavioural therapy, which may include:


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