The Green Out Experience: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery

Have you ever experienced dizziness, a racing heartbeat, and nausea after consuming medical cannabis? If you’ve had this unpleasant sensation, you’ve experienced a green out. This experience is more common than you might think, with nearly 30% of all cannabis users experiencing it at least once. 

Green outs can make or break your medical marijuana experience, regardless of whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned user, and recognizing the symptoms and knowing how to prevent or manage these episodes can ensure you have a safer, more enjoyable experience.

Understanding green outs is crucial for all medical cannabis users. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the whole journey and answer all your questions, like what greening out is, how to stop greening out, and more. So, let’s dive in and keep you from going green in the wrong way! 

What is a Greening Out?

Greening out is a synonym for medical marijuana overdose. It is also commonly used to describe the adverse physical and psychological effects that can occur after consuming too much cannabis.

A person experiencing green out may experience dizziness, nausea, sweating, increased heart rate, anxiety, and vomiting. While these symptoms are typically temporary, they can be extremely uncomfortable and alarming. 

While greening out is not life-threatening, it can induce high levels of anxiety for individuals experiencing the phenomena, which can make the overall medical cannabis experience unbearable.

Causes of Green Outs

Several factors can contribute to a green out, and being aware of them can help medical cannabis users make safer choices.  

Some primary causes of greening out include:

THC Overconsumption

THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, is one of the primary cannabinoids present in medical cannabis and consuming too much THC causes a green out. 

THC affects everyone differently, and what might be a manageable dose for one person can be overwhelming for another. A high level of THC causes the body’s endocannabinoid system to be overloaded, resulting in the unpleasant symptoms associated with a green out, such as dizziness, nausea, and anxiety.

A Lack Of Knowledge About Edibles

Edibles pose a particular risk for greening out due to their delayed onset and often more potent, longer-lasting effects. Unlike smoking or vaping, where the effects are felt almost immediately, edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in.  

This delay often leads to overconsumption of medical marijuana, as patients usually mistakenly think they haven’t taken enough and keep consuming more. When the effects begin to develop, they may be as intense and long-lasting as possible, increasing the likelihood of a green out. 

Drinking Alcohol Or Mixing Medical Cannabis With Other Substances

Combining cannabis with alcohol or other substances significantly increases the chances of greening out as alcohol amplifies the effects of THC, leading to a more intense high and exacerbating symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.  

Similarly, mixing cannabis with other stimulants can create unpredictable effects on the body and mind, heightening the risk of a green out. So, users need to be mindful of these interactions and approach such combinations with extreme caution. 

Other Common Causes Of Greening Out

  • Consuming potent strains or concentrates

  • Lack of knowledge about dosage and tolerance

  • Individual sensitivity to THC

Symptoms of a Green Out

Recognizing the symptoms of greening out is key to managing and responding to the crisis effectively. These symptoms can vary from person to person but generally fall into two categories, i.e. physical and psychological. 

Physical Greening Out Symptoms

  • Nausea

    Feeling uneasy or experiencing an upset stomach is a common sign of a green out.

  • Dizziness –

    A sensation of spinning or losing balance can occur, making it difficult to stand or walk. 

  • Rapid Heart Rate –

    Users often report a pounding or racing heart, which can be alarming.

  • Excessive Sweating –

    Excessive sweating or feeling clammy is another physical indicator of greening out.

  • Pale Skin –

    A noticeable greenish-pale, ashy or washed-out appearance is also common among people who are greening out.

  • Vomiting –

    In severe cases, nausea can lead to vomiting, further complicating the situation.

  • Psychological Symptoms –

    In addition to physical effects, greening out can cause several psychological symptoms as well, such as:

    • Anxiety – A sudden onset of intense worry or fear which is a hallmark psychological effect of greening out.
    • Panic Attacks – When anxiety becomes severe, it can escalate into panic attacks, which cause symptoms like shortness of breath and a feeling of impending doom.
    • Paranoia – Some users may feel suspicious or fearful without reason, thinking someone is trying to harm them. 
    • Disorientation – A feeling of confusion or difficulty focusing can make it difficult to think clearly. 

Now that you’re aware of these symptoms, you can help a loved one or yourself if you’re greening out and take appropriate steps to mitigate the ill effects.  

Recovering From A Green Out

Recovering From A Green Out While you can’t instantly recover from a green out, there are certain things you can do to feel at ease and improve the condition.  

Immediate Steps For Greening Out Recovery

  • Rest In A Quiet And Comfortable Place 

  • Hydrate Yourself 

  • Eat A Light Snack 

  • Stay Calm 

  • Don’t Consume More 

Average Timeframe Of A Green Out 

The average duration of a green out can change depending on various factors. Symptoms typically begin to subside within a few hours, with most people feeling back to normal within 6 to 12 hours.  

From Green Out to Chill Out: Ensuring a Safe Experience 

Greening out can be a challenging experience, but armed with knowledge, you can navigate it more confidently. Remember, medical cannabis is a potent ally in your holistic wellness journey, but it requires respect and careful handling. 

If you or a friend experiences a green out, stay calm and focus on recovery. Find a comfortable spot, hydrate well, and remember—this too shall pass. While unpleasant, these moments offer valuable lessons in personal tolerance and responsible use.

The goal is to harness the benefits of medical cannabis while minimizing risks. With the insights from this guide, you’re well-equipped to enjoy a more balanced, positive experience. Here’s to your health and to staying “green” in all the right ways! 


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