The Weed Clock: How Long Does Cannabis Remain in Your System?

The Weed Clock: How Long Does Cannabis Remain in Your System?

How Long Does Cannabis Remain in Your System

In today’s society, where medical marijuana use is becoming more common and accepted, understanding how long it stays in your system has never been more important. It is important to understand cannabis metabolism and detection whether you are a casual user or a medical patient.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) lingers in the body and can affect drug test outcomes, and varying methods of measuring cannabis metabolites don’t make the situation any easier.

In spite of its growing legalization, medical cannabis use remains controversial, especially in the workplace, in a court of law, and in the realm of healthcare. In today’s blog, let’s dive deep into the science behind cannabis metabolism, how it’s detected, and what you can expect when undergoing different types of drug tests.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System

So, how long does weed stay in your system? The answer isn’t a simple one! Cannabis, unlike many other substances, can linger in your system for days, weeks, or even months after use.

The exact duration depends on various factors, including the method of consumption, frequency of use, body fat percentage, metabolism, etc. and understanding these can be key to predicting how long traces of cannabis might remain detectable.

Factors That Impact Cannabis In Your Body: Decoding the Metabolism Mystery

Frequency of Use

If you only consume cannabis sporadically, THC metabolites may clear out of your system relatively quickly, often within a few days. But for those who use cannabis several times a week, it can take longer to flush out.

If you use medical cannabis daily, you will find THC lingering for weeks or even months in your body due to its accumulation in fat tissues.


A person’s body stores more THC at higher doses, leading to a longer detection window.


THC is processed and eliminated more rapidly by people with faster metabolisms. Conversely, slower metabolisms retain cannabis traces longer.

Body Fat Percentage

People who are on the heavier side tend to retain more cannabis in their system as THC is often stored in fat tissue.  

Types of Weed Detection TestsTypes of Weed Detection Tests

  1. Urine Test
  2. Blood Test
  3. Saliva (Lick) Test
  4. Hair Test

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System for a Lick Test?

Lick tests, saliva tests, or roadside drug driving tests are popular for detecting recent cannabis use and are favoured for their non-invasive nature, ease of administration, and ability to provide quick results.

When cannabis is consumed, THC enters the bloodstream and is subsequently deposited into the saliva through the blood vessels. They work by detecting the presence of THC in the saliva.

Detection Window For THC In Saliva

Occasional Users (1-3 times per month)

THC is quickly cleared from the saliva of occasional users, making it detectable for only a few hours. The average detection window is 1-3 hours after use.

Regular Users (Once a week at least)

THC remains in the saliva for a longer period of time for people who use medical cannabis frequently, extending the window of detection. Average detection window of up to 24 hours after use.

Chronic Users (daily use)

Since THC builds up in the system of chronic users, it can be detected in saliva for several days. The average detection window is 48-96 hours after use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System for a Urine Test?

The urine test is the most common method used to detect cannabis, especially because it’s easy to administer and has a relatively long detection window.

Detection Times for THC in Urine

Occasional Users (1-3 times per month)

THC metabolites are typically cleared from the system within a few days for infrequent users. The average detection window is 3-5 days after use.

Regular Users (Once a week at least)

In those who consume cannabis regularly, THC metabolites accumulate in the body and are more difficult to eliminate. Average detection window of 7-21 days after use.

Chronic Users (daily use)

Chronic users may test positive for THC for several weeks or even months due to the high accumulation of THC metabolites in their fat cells. Average detection window of 30 days or more after use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Blood System?

Blood tests are one of the most precise methods for detecting the presence of THC in one’s body. These tests are more invasive than saliva or urine tests and require a blood sample drawn by a healthcare professional.

The rapid absorption of THC into the bloodstream makes blood tests more useful for detecting recent cannabis use than long-term consumption.

Detection Times for THC in Blood

Occasional Users (1-3 times per month)

There is usually a short time period of time in which THC is present in the blood after consumption in occasional users. The average detection window is 24 hours after use.

Regular Users (Once a week at least)

It is possible for regular users to detect THC in their blood for up to two days. Average detection window of 1-2 days after use.

Chronic Users (daily use)

The presence of THC in the bloodstream of chronic users may be detectable for several days after consistent use. Average detection window of up to 7 days or after use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Hair?

Hair follicle testing is one of the most effective methods for detecting long-term cannabis use. Hair tests offer a better picture of your cannabis consumption over time than blood, urine, or saliva tests.

A hair sample is typically collected from the scalp, but body hair can also be used and analyzed in a lab to detect the presence of THC metabolites.

Detection Times for THC in Hair

hair grows about half an inch per month, and typical hair tests examine the first 1.5 inches of hair from the scalp, so these tests can be used to detect cannabis use for up to three months.

The average detection window of THC in hair is about 90 days.

Do Weed Edibles Show Up in Drug Tests?

Yes, they do show up in drug tests, but edibles don’t usually last too long in your system. If you have a test within 1-3 days, you still should not consume edibles.

Here’s How Much Weed You Have To Smoke Weed To Fail A Drug Test

Drug tests can detect THC, even if they are in minimal quantities. So, even a few drags from a vape can show up on the test results. Before your test, avoid THC in all forms for at least three days.

Can Passive Cannabis Inhalation Cause A Failed Drug Test?

The chances are slim, but it is possible for THC to enter your system and cause elevated drug levels, which would lead to a failed drug test.

Detoxing From Weed

Detoxing from weed involves the process of eliminating THC and its metabolites from your body. Here’s what you can do to detox your body of THC.

  • Hydration: Drinking water helps flush THC metabolites through urine.
  • Diet and exercise: Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise burn fat where THC is stored.
  • Avoiding toxins: Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and junk food to support detox.
  • Detox supplements: Some use supplements to speed up THC elimination, though effectiveness varies.
  • Sweating: Activities like saunas and intense workouts help remove THC through sweat.
  • Time: Allowing time is the most reliable way to clear THC from the body.

The Cannabis Countdown: Navigating THC Elimination for Health and Compliance

As we close this exploration of cannabis detection, it’s clear that navigating the “weed clock” requires diligence and self-awareness. Staying informed is critical, whether you’re taking a drug test or simply trying to understand your body’s reaction, and while detox methods can help accelerate the process, ultimately, time is the most reliable ally.

We encourage you to combine your cannabis knowledge with personalized guidance from healthcare professionals. They will help you develop a plan that aligns with your unique needs and compliance requirements.


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